Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Maryland Candidate For Governor Running On Marijuana Legalization Platform

Post - Maryland Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Heather R. Mizeur on Tuesday will propose legalizing marijuana and using the tax revenue it generates to fund pre-kindergarten education, according to an advance copy of her plan.

Mizeur, a Montgomery County delegate who faces Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown and Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler in next year’s Democratic primary, proposes that Maryland regulate marijuana much like it does alcohol. She estimates that taxing the drug could yield up to $157.5 million in new revenue for the state each year.

Adults ages 21 and over would be permitted to possess up to an ounce of marijuana without violating state law under Mizeur’s plan, a copy of which was shared with The Washington Post. Smoking marijuana would not be allowed in public, and it would be illegal to drive under the influence.

It’s incredible how weed's public perception has changed so much in the past few years. Growing up, we were basically taught that if you smoked weed you'd fucking die of a heroin overdose. Weed was a fucking epidemic that spread everywhere and had to be stopped. Who can forget when Jonny Dakota tried to bang Kelly Kapowski by getting her high? Just a terrifying episode. Pretty much the realest shit to ever happen at Bayside outside of Jesse Spano getting addicted to caffeine after taking like 3 pills and that duck getting murdered by Zack’s greed. But now, gubernatorial candidates are openly campaigning on marijuana legalization platforms, which I think is a fucking great thing. Of course weed should be legal, who the fuck ever died from smoking pot?  Besides, doesn’t Maryland have more important things to worry about than undercover sting operations looking to bust anyone that buys one of those fucking beef patties at 7-11? You know, like being a perennial contender for murder capital of the World? This chick probably won’t get elected, but at least she’s finally introducing a change that needs to be made.

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