Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Local Stallion Accused Of Attempted Rape

Wapo - A stallion was reported to be regularly escaping from his pasture and trying to mate with five horses on another property. An officer issued five citations to the owner in connection with the horse’s unwanted contact ($500 each) and $100 citations in connection with allegedly having a stray horse, damage to a neighbor’s fence and animal trespassing.

These are some pretty fucking serious allegations to just be throwing around. I think we need to step back and do some fact finding about the so-called “victims” before we rush to judgement here.
First off, what kind of saddle was she wearing? Was it just your standard run of the mill saddle or was it all sexy, clearly trying to get attention? 

Did she have on those 80’s workout legwarmer-type socks? If she did, let’s just call a spade a spade here, she was fucking asking for it. You can’t just go prancing around the pasture with those things on without knowing what you’re doing to that fucking stallion. What the fuck is he supposed to do? Just ignore his horse instincts?

And what makes the police so sure this was all unwanted? My guess: The stallion found some hot new filly, which pissed off his old fuck buddies’ owner. The owner's horses look like whores for banging this stud so they claim, out of fucking nowhere, that it was unwanted. Meanwhile, all the stallion’s trying to do is get some strange and now he’s labeled some fucking rapist for life. Seems fair. Maybe we should take a look at these fillies' sexual past. I'm sure there's no pattern for random stranger-horse sex whatsoever. Sound like all first timers to me. Wrong place, wrong time.  
Whoever blew the whistle here needs to fucking accept the fact that their horses’ best days are behind them. Instead of dragging this stallion’s name through the mud, they should probably just let their used up horses stud with a donkey so they won’t have to fucking die alone.

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